
lunes, 31 de julio de 2017

Seakayaking special destination in Spain

One of the beatiful beaches of Cies island.
Praia de Nosa Señora (Cies)
On the background Rodas Beach.

Are you thinking about a seakayaking trip in Spain? Throughout the year, in Galicia we have gorgeous landscapes,  lot of sunny days  a very good and healthy food and  a vast legacy of cultural places to visit.

So, if you are interested in seakayaking arround our beatiful coast, let me recommend you three  specials spots to visit where you can rent a kayak, or ask for a guided tour...if you belong to a group we can prepare a special trip for you, we have a firts class material: tiderace, valley, prijon, palm, peakuk, seals, select paddles, galasport, etc

Our guides and teachers have a vast experience and all of them are titulated by RFEP


Here you have our locations:

Seakayaking school Cies Island

Aldan seakayaking base

If you want you can book in Madrid Sports website:

view of San Martiño from Faro´s island ( both of them belong to the national park)


Clear and clean waters.
prepare  to launching.

sábado, 29 de julio de 2017

Cross-running & Sea Walk Paddle.

Punta Robaliza (Cabo Home).
Nerga beach, on the background Punta Subrido e Islas Cies.
One of the posibilities of spend your holydays in Camping Limens is practise seakayaking...but another one is enjoying the beatifull beaches nearby.
I  like to get up early in the morning and star running with my Sea walk paddle. Is very light so I almost  do not notice his weight. 
From Limens beach to Nerga Beach, whereas I´m practising sport my senses enjoy with the beatifull landscapes...Is 7:00  AM  and Barra beach is desert so I continue running along  Subrido cape to Home Cape...the views are breathtaking...on the background Cies Island...After 1 hour and 30 minutes running it takes time to Seawalk in Barra of the most beatifull beaches I´ve ever seen. 1 hour of Seawalk in the not too cold waters in enough to raise my mind and spirit.
A good wake up, prepairing for Sea kayaking in the Base KDM Islas Cies y Aldan.

Path from Barra to Cabo Home.

Sunrise over Nerga and Barra Beach.
Una de las posibilidades de pasar tus vacaciones en el Camping Limens es practicar kayak de mar... pero otra es disfrutar las preciosas playas de sus alrededores.
Me gusta levantarme por la mañana temprano y comenzar a correr con mi pala de  Sea walk paddle, es muy ligera y casi ni noto su peso.

desde la playa de Limens hasta la de Nerga, al tiempo que práctico deporte, mis sentidos disfrutan de los preciosos paisajes.. Son las 7:00 A.M y la playa de Barra esta desierta, así que continuo corriendo hasta punta Subrido y Cabo Home ...las vistas quitan las respiración, de telón de fondo, las Islas Cies.

Después de hora y media corriendo llego de nuevo a Barra, una de las playas más bonitas que he visto nunca.  Una hora de Seawalk en unas aguas no tan frias, es suficiente para despejar mi mente y levantar mi espíritu.
Un buen despertar, preparándonos para el kayak de mar en  Base KDM Islas Cies y Aldan.

Punta Robaliza, on the background Cies Island.

Barra and my "Sea walk paddle"

jueves, 27 de julio de 2017

Seakayaking with Dolphins in Galicia.


San Martiño Islan in the background.
Sunrise on Limens beach.
Towing a Xtra Tiderace to Cies Island
Una de las maravillas de navegar en kayak por la ría de Vigo, es que el frecuente el avistamiento de cetáceos.  Unos momentos que son mágicos, en especial cuando navegas en solitario,  respetando la normativa para evitar acosarlos, uno deja su pala sobre la cubierta del kayak, y se dedica de forma exclusiva a contemplar  sus evoluciones en el agua, y escuchar su respiración, el ensimismamiento es tal que el tiempo transcurre sin apenas darte cuenta.  Los diversos avistamientos que he tenido a lo largo de los años, suelen ocurrir o durante las primeras horas de la mañana o al atardecer, y sobra decir que para poder presenciarlos es necesario que las aguas esten lo más tranquilas posibles, puesto que un leve rizamiento producido por el viento, hace casi imposible el poder distinguir entre las olas sus aletas emergiendo.
Estos avistamientos, no pueden asegurarse en las rutas guiadas en kayak desde las Base KDM de AldánBase KDM Islas Cies o Cangas, pero son la guinda en el caso de los grupos más afortunados.

Anasacuta and Xtra on Limens Beach

Cies Island
Seakayaking is one of the most beatiful sports you can practise! For me is a life style , feeling free in contact with nature...One of the most thrilling things is a encounter with my personal case I have had several of them, soon in the morning or   later in the afternoon. You must be cautious in order to don´t disturb their way through the water.  In those moments, I like to rest my paddle on my deck and watch them playing and swimming...

We can not guarante you this experience, because they are impredictable and you need flatwater to be able to see them. If you want to try fortune or practise kayaking,  here you have guided tours in a seakayak Base KDM de AldánBase KDM Islas Cies

Punta Subrido.

miércoles, 26 de julio de 2017

Sea Kayaking Cies Island

Valley Anasacuta and Tiderace Xtra resting on the beach.


Rodas Beach
Crossing to San Martiño.
The view from our base.
Our office door.
Hi, I´m going to present you our Sea Kayak base located in Cies Island. in 2007 "The Guardian" newspaper chose Islas Cies, Galicia - Spain as the top 1 beach in the world. The Guardian article . If you are planning to visit the north of Spain like for  example Santiago de Compostela, Pontevedra, etc I recommend you reserve a couple of days for visiting Islas Cies. There you have the posibilitty to book in the campsite.
If you like snorkeling or seakayaking you may contact Base KDM Cies for a guided tour with one of the best Sea kayak Guide of Spain and firts quality equipment. You will enjoy the beatifull landscapes, and crystalline waters. After kayaking you can walk arround the paths of the  island or have a sunbath on the white sand of Rodas beach.
By the way! Cies Island is a National Park so you can make an idea of the gorgeous place you are visitting!


Our base is part of a governmental project that involves The Galician Canoe Federation FEGAPI and the Galician goverment so you can be sure that you are in good hands!




Os presento nuestra base de kayak de mar en las Islas Cies. Para quién no conozca las islas, deciros que es como estar en el caribe, pero más cerquita...Podéis alojaros en el camping de la isla y relizar numerosas actividades, como senderismo, snorkel, y kayak de mar... Si estáis interesados en el kayak de mar, os ofrecemos rutas guiadas con uno de los mejores profesores de este país Base KDM Cies. Son rutas desarrolladas para cualquier persona, en kayaks estables y seguros y navegareis en aguas protegidas, Nuestro objetivo por encima de todo es vuestra seguridad y disfrute, por lo que personalmente os lo recomiendo pese a que no tengais experiencia previa. Además ireis equipados con material de primera calidad. Base KDM

Our base in the campsite.
A lo largo de la costa gallega la Federación Gallega de Piragüismo junto con la Dirección General de Deportes de la Xunta de Galicia, han creado unas bases de kayak de mar para promocionar esta modalidad deportiva, todo ello cumpliendo unos exigentes requisitos, la base de las Islas Cies fue la pionera.
Simplemente os animo a experimentar y sentir la navegación libre en un kayak de mar.


Clear waters.

lunes, 24 de julio de 2017

Cies islands circumnavegation.

Lighthouse on top of the cliff


Limens Beach
In the background Cies Islands.

I woke up early in the aim was to paddle from Liméns Beach (Limens Campsite) to Cies Islands. Firstly I paddled close to the coast until arriving Subrido cape, where I had a nice experience with a group of dolphins, I enjoyed watching them playing and swimming, but I had to continue on my way.  Once I made the crossing, I headed to the north and then I confront the bow of my kayak with the waves...The west side of the island is rough in contrast with the beatiful beaches on the east side.

The north of the island.
The west side of the island.

Rough water

If you want to enjoy a kayak experience in Cies island, you can ask for the Sea Kayak Base  where you can get guided sea kayak  tours with one of the most experienced guide you will never know...humble and nice person. Base KDM islas Cies

The circumnavigation of the island is only avalaible for experienced kayakers

