
miércoles, 13 de junio de 2018

The Cow Rapid (El paso de "la Vaca")

Ismael  and the cow.


From time to time, when you are looking through a river guide book or sketch, maybe sometimes you
become curious  about  some names of the river rapids.

This is the case of one of rapids in Alberche River. " The Cow" could be  reflexing concerning the origin of  such a name.
Sould you leave  your imagination  fly free as a result you could think that maybe that name is related with a close farm an  a herd of cattle...perhaps some day a kayaker was in the rapid when a cow was drinking or taking a bath...
But the reallity is totally different,  the rapid is named after a dead cow that "Alberche Beavers" (The local kayak club) found  in the middle of the river.

Owed to  the weigh of the animal, several days were required  to removed the corpse. It was a hard and delicate work...the animal had been dead for long time, so the decomposition process had already started. They needed  a tractor to withdraw the corpse at risk of blowed it up and as a consequence spread the  parts of the dead animal.


Not only Deserve " The Beavers", our recognition, but also our most appreciated friendship for their outstanding labor of maintenance of the river. Thanks a lot guys!!

En ocasiones, cuando vemos el nombre de los pasos en las reseñas de las guias, o en los croquis, dejamos volar la imaginación...¿Cual habrá sido el motivo de tal nombre? En este caso, ni más ni menos una vaca muerta que nuestros amigos Los Castores del Alberche, retiraron del rio con la ayuda de un tractor y el considerable riesgo que el animal durante el proceso reventase debido al estado de putrefacción del mismo, pudiendo causar un grave problema ambiental en el rio. Afortunadamente ser Castor es equivalente a estar forjado en el servicio a los demás. Gracias amigos!


martes, 12 de junio de 2018

Remembering BCU 3 Stars.





Long time ago, in a sea far far away, I attended with my friend Helen a BCU course. It was after my formation as a Sea kayak guide  by the RFEP.

There was a time when I wished to become in  a distinguished professional. Seakayaking  occupied all my thoughts until something greater, erased my previous priorities...The day I came to be Father!

Not only did not I regret, even  I feel proud of my following  step in life.
Nowadays , due to the fact that rivers are closer to home than oceans, I´m focussing my kayak activities into white water kayaking. Otherwise  from time to time I devote a little bit of time to seakayak and  surfkayak






