Forcada point , Avilés estuary mouth.
Avilés´s malecon
Salinas´s Beach
San Juan´s peninsula. |
Dreged ship entering in Avilés estuary. |
"La Peñona" Salinas´s beach.
The light, is our best friend, I like to navigate gazing at the light changes... Firts of all, you must to know that the spanish marine law prohibits the night navigation for kayaks, you only can paddler the lapse of time between one hour after dawn and one our before sunset.
So if you paddle in these circunstances, you are an outlaw...Sometimes you haven´t planned it sometimes you have planned it.
Arañón beach.
If you want to experience the changing lights, I recommend you to paddle before dawn, so if things go wrong you know for sure that the sun light is comming. Of course you will have to carry a flashlight with you, just in case you need it to make you visible if a ship is close to you. It´s important to be prepared, you will improve your night skills with this kind of practise. Better safe than sorry!
Another tip, you should chose a calm day,with good visibility, without big swell, fog or winds. When we lost our day light references, it,s incredible how fast you can be confuse in a well known area. Be prepare and look at your nautical chart for the lighthouses, buoys, onshore buildings or anchored ships...
In the pictures you can see the changing lights in Aviles estuary,Right at its mouth.
Salinas. |
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